BYU Non-Traditional Student Association Skip to main content

Welcome to BYU NTSA. We are an association for new or returning students ages 30+. We aim to help you succeed at BYU. We can help you find resources, access services, connect with others, and discover all that BYU has to offer. We hope that you will find the following information useful. Please contact us with questions or if you need a little direction. We are here to help.

Message from the President: “Let the Y Light You”

NTSA President Lani

We here at the Non-Traditional Student Association (NTSA) wish you all a warm welcome to Brigham Young University and to the new 2019-2020 school year!

There is a beautiful homecoming tradition of hiking up to and lighting the Y on the mountain. It reminds me of a picture that I had seen where a string of lights zig-zag up the mountain to the beautifully brilliant Y shining like a beacon. I could not help but look at that picture and relate it to my own experience here at BYU.

Returning was not an easy task, but my dream was to attend college and obtain my degree. But to accomplish my dream, I had to give up my dream job and move to Provo to attend BYU. I sacrificed peace of mind and all of my income contributions to go back to school. It was a struggle that my family was willing to go through to help me follow my dreams.

Like the zig-zagging lights leading up to the Y, this educational journey has and is an upward struggle on a dirt path with rocks and steep inclines, but this climb is still a progressive one and each step brings me closer to accomplishing my dream. During the tough times I remember that I am not alone as I have the support of my parents, husband and sons at home. But I also have support from advisors, teachers, and new-found friends from classes, organizations and opportunities to volunteer to serve others.

In 2016 President Kevin J. Worthen, gave a devotional address stating:

“You are not here by accident. God has a work to perform through you ...Let His light shine more brightly through you as a result of your experiences at BYU — may the light in you shine more brilliantly because of what you do at BYU— [emphasis added]” --- Pres. Kevin J. Worthen - BYU Devotional, Sept. 6, 2016

I wholeheartedly agree! Your educational journey may just be beginning or receiving a jump start; regardless, you are right where you ought to be and you have the support system to help you achieve your dreams both at home and on campus. And now that you are here, I encourage you to continue to push yourself, explore, create and further develop your gifts and talents. Get to know the campus and the people, take advantage of the resources available to you, and most importantly... let your light shine “more brilliantly” because YOU are going to accomplish great things.

Lani Higgins, NTSA President


Lani Higgins, President
Alma Dominguez-Alvarez, Vice President


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Club Advisor

Marilyn Richards, University Advisement Center

Additional Support Advisor

Dixie Sevison, Womens' Services and Resources